
The Us Stock Market Will Collapse From 2020 To 2070

If current momentum continues, the US stock market could have its best year since 1997. Still, despite the 2019 rally, many analysts are predicting a stock market crash in 2020. Of course, some economists have also predicted market crashes and recessions for most of 2019. 

Indeed, many economists expected trade between the US and China to lead to a global recession. Some economists also called the inversion of the US interest-rate curve the ultimate sign of an impending recession, and the recession would be felt in the stock market, slowing the year. 

Forecasters say a number of factors are keeping the economy on its toes, but growth is slowing and trade concerns are a major concern. Feel free to inform as many people as you can about what is coming in 2020. On October 24, 2018, I received a new prophecy regarding the coming Saturn-Pluto conjunction confirmed by Gem atria. 

The year 2020 will be the year in which many people will take over the task of the great kingdom, as God's plan for the earth accelerates. Known for his ability to fulfill his prophecies, the founder of Prophetic Hill Chapel has once again predicted the event that is expected this year 2020. He said: 'The rising seas of the future and the increase in global warming and climate change are predicted. 

Mobile phones are the 666 beast mentioned in the Holy Bible, which explains why the biggest cancer wave in history is expected in 2020-21. If Bradley has anything to do with that mini-euphoria, it will end very quickly. The stock market has certainly been driven by all the other timing factors I have talked about, and the buying lows have served us very well. 

At the same time, rising inflation means that central banks have no choice but to raise interest rates if they want to prevent rising costs from taking hold. In other words, interest rates are rising worldwide. The global liquidity cycle is turning, and investors are still nervous. 

In May, fears that the Fed might tighten the reins too much and tip the US economy into recession sent the stock market plunging at the slightest hint of inflationary pressures. Bernanke appeared to be pulling together after suggesting in his speech to Congress last week that a slowing economy should keep inflation under control. But the gaffe sent shares tumbling Now it looks as if Wall Street is starting to worry that such a slowdown has already occurred. 

Banks and other financial institutions were busy painting a rosy picture for investors until the stock market collapsed. Deutsche Bank's collapse is imminent. It is simply too big, it must bear very high systemic risks, too many financial institutions are involved, and its failure itself will destroy the global economic system around it. So do not be fooled into thinking that no one can tell you that the next great economic collapse will not happen, or that it will not. They know what they are saying: too many of them have said that. 

Deutsche Bank's share price has also recovered since the 2008 stock market crash. It has lost billions of dollars in fines and penalties, and it has taken a toll on its finances and reputation. The last accounts showed heavy losses, but the bank had been writing losses for years. Today, it is trading at less than a third of its precast peak. 

This does not mean, of course, that you should look for financial advice in your chart. Bradley's ideograph is just one way of influencing the global stock market as the world falls to pieces. Here is a link to download the PowerPoint presentation that covers the video.

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